USS Vesta

A Play-by-Nova roleplay game.

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Noj and the Boss

Posted on Tue Sep 24th, 2024 @ 3:50am by Lieutenant Njalia Sayffier & Staff Warrant Officer Noj

Mission: Take My Hand
Location: Operations Office
Timeline: Later the same day as Department to Department
805 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Noj did not like this, he had submitted his report to the Chief. It was ironclad, he just reported the facts, as much as he had wanted to complain about that officious Vulcan. But a direct order to report to the Chief? That could not be good.

He wracked his brain, the Chief had always been hands-off since she came aboard, happy to leave the Quartermastering to the professionals while she programmed and ran the department. He had no complaints, people should do what they are good at. They had talked . . . twice? Once after she had arrived as the new Chief and once before they headed off on the Nelson. Still, his lobes told him that this was bad.

He arrived and paused, best get this over with. He pushed the chime. “Quartermaster Noj, reporting as ordered.”


“Enter,” said Njalia, looking up from the holographic files which she pushed to one side.

The Ferengi came in, his uniform slightly askew. An outdated datapad clutched tightly. He stood in front of the desk. “Boss?” he asked.

Njalia looked at the Ferengi. “You know why you are here, Quartermaster. We have an overzealous new head of security who has taken a dislike to your way of doing business.”

“But Boss,” said Noj, “It is always the way I have run Quartermastering. We always have what we need.”

“Yes, I and the Vesta appreciate that,” said Njalia. “But now you are going to have to work slightly differently.”

“But Boss,” started Noj.

Njalia held up her hand. “I know, I am the young know-it-all officer and you are the experienced old NCO who knows how to get things done.” She could see Noj’s eyes narrow, she was right that was going to be his tack. “I want things done too but we can not afford to waste time in a departmental . . . pissing match with security.”

Noj nodded slowly, now curious as to where the Chief was going. This was not just a dressing down, which had been what he was expecting, but something else.

“First, every restricted item in your inventory,” said Njalia. “All of it, every last gram, will be off the Vesta by 0 hundred hours.”

“But I do not have any. The Cheif of Security confiscated the pepper . . .” he trailed off noting Njalia’s level look.

“Do we have to do this? 17.2L of Romulan ale, Two casks, wooden, of Saurian brandy, three . . .”

“Stop!” said Noj. “How do you know this? I keep that screened and . . .”

“Off the network,” said Njalia. “There is no computer on this ship I cannot access and certainly, no computer within my own department.” Noj could feel the temperature, already chilly, drop even further in the office.

“Yes, Boss, it will be done,” said Noj resignedly. He knew of some secure transshipment point on Esquimalt, the latest confusion should not have compromised them all.

She slid a datapad over to Noj. “These items on your restricted list can go into general supplies.”

“Zarkian incense? Latorian Habba root?” he said. “But these are banned?”

“Zarkian incense, allowed for use in the Nova Roman yearly purification ceremony, we have a Nova Roman in hydroponics. Latorian Habba root, recently approved for treating Bolian digestive issues, we have three Bolian crew,” said Njalia.

“Boss, you make a Ferengi proud,” said Noj finally grinning.

“Let us not get ahead of ourselves,” said Njalia. “You still have a lot of work to do. But we will get your legitimate trade stock properly flagged and filed. I will back you up here on the Vesta and on OpsNet. In return, you will not let a gram of black market material or a bit of illegal data aboard the ship from your trades. Agreed?”

“Yes, Boss. I will get right on it,” said Noj. “You know, Boss, for a know-it-all Officer, you actually make that work for us.”

“Remember that in the future,” said Njalia. “As much as Security seems to have forgotten, we are all on the same side.”

“Profit!” said Noj. “No, Boss, I know, Starfleet,” he added with a placating hand gesture.

Njalia laughed. “Just remember that, Quartermaster. Now, you have work to do. And do not forget the datapad.”

“No, Boss, I will get right on it.” He grabbed the datapad and almost ran from the office.


Noj hurried towards the turbolift. Shifting his special stock was going to be tricky, especially if the Vulcan was watching but he had some ideas. He was not going to let the Chief down. Finally, an officer that understood him and what he was trying to do. He had never expected that it would be an Andorian but wonders never cease. But damn, he thought his files were secure, he will have to ask the Chief for help making them safe from other prying eyes.


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