Posted on Tue Sep 17th, 2024 @ 3:58am by Lieutenant Njalia Sayffier & Lieutenant T'Pexl
Take My Hand
Location: Operations Office
Timeline: After the search
1431 words - 2.9 OF Standard Post Measure
0Njalia reviewed the report from Staff Warrant Officer Noj, while Njalia could not help but think that he had brought this on himself. Successful grey market dealing tended to snowball was what she had been told and risked moving into black market trade, she had not been paying close enough attention to Noj's . . . extracurricular activities. But she would be now.
Still, there were department chains of command. Njalia tapped the comm, "Lieutenant T'Pexl, this is Lieutenant Sayffier, Chief of Operations, may we meet? I have something to discuss with you."
"Where would you like to meet, Lieutenant?", she asked in a flat voice. Logic would reason that Njalia was somehow upset about the recent search of the cargo bay, even though it was perfectly within regulations. She spun her office chair around, got up, and walked to the evidence locker, where she retrieved a bag of Bajoran Hasperat Pepper mix used to make the brine for the dish. This item, was of course, not sanctioned, and in fact prohibited aboard Starfleet ships because the brine can be used as a quite potent chemical weapon, similar to tear gas used on Earth during the 20th and 21st centuries.
"My office, yours, the mess hall, whatever works best for you," replied Njalia. "We have not had a chance to meet and talk. So, this would be a good opportunity. I find meeting over a meal is welcoming."
"Your office is acceptable. I am on my way.", said T'Pexl. She gathered her things and headed down the corridor to the turbolift. "Ops.", she commanded. The turbolift took T'Pexl near the operations office, which she walked to. T'Pxel walked into the office, looked around and saw nothing amiss. She proceeded to Njaila's office and pressed the button to request entrance. She then waited, contraband in hand.
"Enter," said Njalia standing. "Welcome aboard, Lieutenant T'Pexi. I hope you have found the Vesta to be a welcoming ship." She gestured to the chair across from her. "Please, have a seat. May I get you something to drink?"
"I am not thirsty.", said T'Pexl, "I have found the Vesta to be acceptable." She sat and folded her hands on her lap.
"I have a report from my Quartermaster Noj about an inspection of his storage area," Njalia tapped a datapad. "Where you located some contraband items, yes?"
"This is accurate.", T'Pexl said. She lifted the pepper mix up to eye level. "Chemical weapon ingredients, which are strictly prohibited aboard all Starfleet vessels.", she said.
Njalia antennae quirked in surprise. "But also a delicacy among some Federation cultures. But that is not my business, Starfleet rules are rules. Honestly, I have no problems with you investigating Quartermaster Noj, I know he skirts the rules and deals in a fair amount of grey market goods. But such is what quartermasters do. Obviously, if he is violating regulations, such is outside the realm of his duties."
"But, my concern is more that I was not informed, Lieutenant T'Pexl," continues Njalia. "When our duties cross into the realm of other departments, it is polite, as well as protocol, to inform the chief of that section. While I can appreciate that you sought to catch Noj off-guard as it were, I like to be informed when one of my department's people is under investigation."
"Although it is protocol that department leadership is to be informed of actions effecting their department, regulations also state that security matters may be withheld during an active investigation if the Chief Security Officer believes that it is necessary to preserve the integrity of the investigation. I did not, and still do not fully, have information about your relationship with Mr. Noj, and therefore withheld the information to prevent any tampering with my investigation.", she said in response.
Njalia, hardly the most combative or emotional of Andorian, but she found this response quite . . . infuriating. But she locked down her emotions as she could, though her antennae curled a little and her right hand balled into a fist. "So, Lieutenant T'Pexl, you are accusing me of being in collaboration with an attempt to circumvent Starfleet regulations? Is that correct? By your own statement, you did not inform me to prevent tampering with the investigation which implies a lack of trust in a fellow officer that I find highly insulting."
"The statement was not intended to be accusatory, Lieutenant. In the absence of information, I was forced to take every precaution which included not informing you of the search prior to it's commencement. I do not believe you are collaborating with Mr. Noj," she said in response.
"In which case, there was no reason not to inform me of the investigation," said Njalia in a measured tone. "If Quartermaster Noj is breaking, rather than bending, rules, that needs to stop. But a Quartermaster's job requires a flexible approach to acquire needed supplies, as I said, sometimes that crosses into grey markets. But, as I said, it should not cross into black markets. If you have a credible belief that Quartermaster Noj is dealing on the black market, I will endeavor to shut it down. If needed, I will hand him over for you for punishment. But such a matter should have been raised directly with me in the first place."
"Regulations permit me to conduct inspections of the cargo bay. I'm sure you are familiar.", she said, completely disregarding the complaints raised by Njalia. T'Pexl then said, "I do not understand why you are upset at my execution of my duties."
From the corner of her eye, Njalia caught the fall of holographic snowflakes, projected where only she could see them. Thank you, Maiden, she thought. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, forcing her annoyance and, yes, anger out when she exhaled. She forced her thoughts in order. "Lieutenant, I do not dispute your authority or your duties, however, you seem to fail to understand that by executing them in such a way you are damaging my ability to run Operations in an efficient manner. Beyond the chain of command is a network of trust within each department, your actions have the potential to disrupt that trust."
She raised her hand to forestall any objections from the Vulcan. "I have only been chief here a short time and it has been a chaotic period for a variety of reasons, so building a rapport with my team has been challenging. Having you run roughshod over them will not help that process, it will only damage my authority. Let me handle problems within my own department. I will ask for help if needed, and if you suspect there is a violation of regulations, come to me and we will get it sorted together. There is no need for us to work at cross-purposes."
"If there are no further violations, there will be no further searches, inspections or operations within your department, Lieutenant. Your authority is not damaged in any way. You and your team must understand that security inspections are my responsibility and will be conducted when my department receives reports of violations. I cannot halt enforcement operations aboard this vessel for your convenience," she said. T'Pexl appeared completely unphased and completely neutral. T'Pexl was now interpreting Njalia as possibly covering for Noj but did not want to share this suspicion yet.
Njalia took another deep breath, closing her eyes. When she opened them, she was mildly disappointed that it had not just been a bad dream but the Vulcan was still there. "Once again, I request you follow proper protocols. I do not want for our departments to be in conflict, Lieutenant. I will sort out the matters with Quartermaster Noj and there will be no illegal material aboard the Vesta."
"Provided that there are no more illegal materials of any sort, this will be acceptable. See to it. It is settled then, have a good day, Lieutenant.", she said. T'Pexl walked away, back to her office, and she planned to monitor both Njalia and Noj in the coming weeks.
Njalia stared at door after T'Pexl left. She had not felt so frustrated in . . . forever. "Maiden," she said coldly. The QAI manifested on the desk. "Full data monitoring on Security, if they are tapping our systems, I want to know."
"Acknowledged," replied Maiden.
"Full search of goods and items brought in and sent out by Quartermaster Noj, cross-referenced against manifests," said Njalia. "Compared and linked to visual and sensor scans."
"On it," said Maiden with a nod.
She tapped the com, "Quartermaster Noj, report to the Operations Officer, immediately."